
Oct. 25(Mon)

17:00-19:30Welcome Reception

Oct. 26(Tue)

09:10Opening Address

Session 1:STM (Chair:Stefan Heun)

9:20 (Invited) Manipulation of Charge and Spin in Single Atoms and Molecules Saw-Wai Hla (Ohio Univ., USA)
9:55 (Invited) Nano-Scale Imaging by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy: Observation of Vortices in Nano-Size Superconductors and the Screened Potential Yukio Hasegawa (The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
10:30   Surface Scattering via Bulk Continuum States in the 3D Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Probed by Scanning Tunneling Microscope Akio Kimura (Hiroshima Univ., Japan)
10:50   Coffee Break

Session 2:Near Field Spectroscopy (Chair:Hidekazu Okamura)

11:10 (Invited) Spectroscopic Nanoscopy in the Mid-Infrared Fritz Keilmann (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany)
11:45 (invited) Near-field Imaging of Plasmonic Waves and Enhanced Optical Fields Hiromi Okamoto (Institute for Molecular Science, Japan)
12:20   Ultra-Sensitive Passive Near-Field Microscopy in Long-Wavelength Infrared Region Yusuke Kajihara (The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
12:40   Broad Band Infrared Near Field Spectroscopy by Synchrotron Radiation Source Yuka Ikemoto (JASRI/SPring-8, Japan)
13:00   Lunch

Session 3:(Parallel Session)

Main Hall: SPM and X-ray Spectroscopy (Chair:Toyokazu Yamada)

14:00 (invited) Seeing and Feeling Polymer Blends on a Nano-Scale Christoph Quitmann (Swiss Light Source Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
14:35   Pinning of Cobalt Adatoms by the Embedded Defects on Copper (111) Surface Erik Zupanic (J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
14:55   Kondo Resonance from a Single Impurity Regime to Two-Dimensional Lattice Noriaki Takagi (The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)

Lecture Room A: Semiconductor Nanostructures (Chair:Takashi Kita)

14:00 (Invited) Characterization of Quantum Dots in Ⅲ-Ⅴ Semiconductor Nanowires Kouta Tateno (NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan)
14:35   Fabrication and Characterization of Nanowire-based LEDs Satoshi Maeda (Hokkaido Univ., Japan)
14:55   In-plane Polarization Anisotropy in Vertically Stacked InAs Quantum Dots Yuichiro Ikeuchi (Kobe Univ., Japan)

Poster Session 1

15:15-16:50   Poster Session 1  >>>

Oct. 27(Wed)

Session 4:Emission Spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence (Chair:Takashi Sekiguchi)

9:10   Room Temperature Ferromagnetism of Co Nanostructures Embedded in Au Studied by XMCD, PEEM and STM Shigemasa Suga (Osaka Univ., Japan)
9:30 (Invited) Valence Electron Spectrascopy by SXES-TEM Masami Terauchi (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
10:05 (Invited) Semiconductor Nano-Structures, CL Silvija Gradecak (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
10:40 (Invited) Picosecond Time Resolved Cathodoluminescence [pTRCL] Jean-Daniel Ganiere (EPFL-SB-ICMP / IPEQ, Switzerland)
11:15   Coffee Break

Plenary Lecture (Chair: Sukekatsu Ushioda)

11:35   The Latest HRTEM Studies of Nano-Materials Sumio Iijima (Meijo Univ., Japan)
12:35   Conference Photo
12:50   Lunch

Session 5:Femtosecond Electron Diffraction (Chair:Hiromi Okamoto)

13:50 (Invited) Watching atoms in action by Femtosecond Electron Diffraction Sciaini German (Univ. of Toronto, Canada)

Poster Session 2

14:25   Poster Session 2  >>>


16:00-20:30   Excursion & Banquet

Oct. 28(Thur)

Session 6:Magnetism (Chair:Christoph Quitmann)

9:10 (Invited) X-ray Holography of Magnetic Nanostructures at Synchrotron Sources and Free Electron Lasers Stefan Eisebitt (Technische Univ. Berlin, Germany)
9:45 (Invited) Lensless Holographic Imaging using Hard X-rays Motohiro Suzuki (JASRI/SPring-8, Japan)
10:20   Electrical Control of Spin States in Cubic Iron: Magneto-Electric Coupling via Induced Surface Charge Toyokazu Yamada (Chiba Univ., Japan)
10:40   Magnetic Stability of Single Atoms and Clusters Probed by Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy Toshio Miyamachi (Physikalisches Institut,KIT, Germany)
11:00   Coffee Break

Session 7:LEEM/PEEM Ⅰ (Chair:Stefan Eisebitt)

11:20 (Invited) Spectromicroscopy with Low-Energy Electrons: LEEM-XPEEM Studies at the Nanoscale Tevfik Onur Mentes (Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Italy)
11:55 (Invited) Magnetic Domain Imaging of Ultrathin Films using Laser -PEEM Takeshi Nakagawa (Institute for Molecular Science, Japan)
12:30   Observation of Magnetostatically Coupled Vortices Motions in Micron-Sized Disks by Time-Resolved Photoemission Electron Microscopy Kuniaki Arai (ISSP, Univ. Tokyo, Japan)
12:50   Lunch

Session 8 (Parallel Session)

Main Hall: Advanced STM Applications (Chair:Saw-Wai Hla)

14:00 (Invited) Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Assisted by Synchrotron Radiation Light for High-Resolution Element Specific Imaging Taichi Okuda (Hiroshima Univ., Japan)
14:35   1 nm-Scale Elemental Analysis using Scanning Tunneling Microscope Combined with Brilliant Hard X-ray Microbeam Akira Saito (Osaka Univ, RIKEN SPring-8 Center, JST/PRESTO, Japan)
14:55   Equilibration of Integer Quantum Hall Edge Channels Studied by Scanning Gate Microscopy Stefan Heun (NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy)

Lecture Room A: SEM, TEM and STM Applications Ⅰ(Chair:Naoki Yamamoto)

14:00 (Invited) Probing Surface-Plasmon Modes in Individual and Coupled Metal Nanoparticles using an Electron Beam Viktor Myroshnychenko (Instituto de Optica, Spain)
14:35   Influence of the Local Atomic Structure in AlGdN on Deep Ultra-Violet Luminescence Shinya Kitayama (Kobe Univ., Japan)
14:55   Room Temperature Strong Infrared Light Emission of Hexagonal Silicon Nanowires Filippo Fabbri (IMEM-CNR Institute, Italy)


15:15   Coffee Break

Session 9 (Parallel Session)

Main Hall: LEEM/PEEM Ⅱ (Chair:Tevfik Onur Mentes)

15:35 (Invited) Assignment of 3D spin axes of antiferomagnetic domains and domain walls of NiO:Combined study of MLD-PEEM and cluster model calculation Toyohiko Kinoshita (JASRI/SPring-8, Japan)
16:10   Epitaxial Graphene on Micro-patterned SiC Surface Toward Multi-Functioning of Graphene Hirokazu Fukidome (RIEC, Tohoku Univ., Japan)
16:30   Interface Engineering of Ultrathin Topological Insulator Bi2Te3 Films on Si(111) Substrate Investigated by Low-Energy Electron Microscopy Hongwen Liu (WPI-AIMR,Tohoku Univ., Japan)

Lecture Room A: SEM, TEM and STM Applications Ⅱ(Chair:Jean-Daniel Ganiere)

15:35 (Invited) Cathodoluminescence Evidence of Energy Transfer in SiC/Si02 core/shell Nanowires Functionalized with Fully Fluorinated Giancarlo Salviati (IMEM-CNR, Italy)
16:10   Image Formation of Low-voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy - Secondary Electron Detection and Titania Thin Film Observation Kazuhiro Kumagai (Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan)
16:30   Viewing the Interior of a Single Molecule: Photon Imaging at Sub-Molecular Resolution Chi Chen (RIKEN, Japan)

Oct. 29(Fri)

Session 10 (Parallel Session)

Main Hall: Chemical and Electronic States Ⅰ(Chair:Shozo Kono)

9:10 (Invited) Electronic Structures of Nanostructured Metal/Si Interfaces: Pb on Si(111) Han Woong Yeom (POSTECH, Korea)
9:45 (Invited) Two-Photon Photoemission Micro-spectroscopy for Unoccupied States of Organic Films Toshiaki Munakata (Osaka Univ., Japan)
10:20   Recent Achievements in Characterization of Micro and Nano-Materials by Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy Majid Kazemian Abyaneh (Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA, Italy)
10:40   Hard X-ray Photoelectron Micro-spectroscopy for 3D Chemical Analysis Keisuke Kobayashi (NIMS Beamline Station, Japan)

Lecture Room A: Advanced SPM I and Nanofabrications (Chair:Taichi Okuda)

9:10 (Invited) STM Study of Topological Insulators Grown by MBE Xi Chen (Tsinghua Univ., China)
9:45 (Invited) High Resolution Imaging by using Small-Amplitude Frequency-Modulation AFM Toyoaki Eguchi (Japan Science and Technology Agency / Keio Univ., Japan)
10:20   Force Spectroscopy at Liquid-Solid Interfaces Hiroshi Onishi (Kobe Univ., Japan)
10:40   Observation of Fabry-Perot cavity modes in the photoluminescence spectra of aligned ZnO nanowires Satyaban Bhunia (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, India)
11:00   Coffee Break

Session 11:Chemical and Electronics States Ⅱand Dynamics (Chair:Han Woong Yeom)

11:20 (Invited) Toward Terahertz ESR Spectroscopy using a Microcantilever Eiji Ohmichi (Kobe Univ., Japan)
11:55 (Invited) Real Space Imaging of Transient Carrier Dynamics by Laser-Combined STM Hidemi Shigekawa (Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan)
12:30   Observation of Laser Excited Self-Assembled Gold Nanocrystals by Picosecond Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction Kouhei Ichiyanagi (The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)


12:50   Closing Remark
13:10-13:30   Coffee Break
13:30-19:30   Tour to SPring-8