The 6th International Workshop on Nano-scale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology

NSS6 concluded on 29 Oct 2010, and proved to be a successful and enjoyable meeting. Thanks to all concerned.

The deadline for submission of proceedings papers has been extended to 12 November 2010.

We welcome the online display of photographs taken during the meeting. Please inform us if you have any on your institution (or other) website and we will place a link from this page. Alternatively please send us your digital photographs on CD or DVD and a selection will be displayed on this site. Workshop photos will be uploarded shortly.

Student Awards

Kuniaki AraiThe University of Tokyo
Presentation: Oral ThO3Observation of magnetostatically coupled vortices motions in micron-sized disks by time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy
Kentaro GotoNara Institute of Science and Technology
Presentation: Poster 14Orbital angular momentum analysis of 1T-TaS2 valence band electron by circularly-polarized-light photoelectron diffraction
Ryota Yamamoto Osaka University
Presentation: Poster 18 The lateral inhomogeneity of unoccupied states for PbPc and CuPc films
Kengo TakeuchiTokyo Institute of Technology
Presentation: Poster 30Cathodoluminescence Induced by Surface Plasmon Polaritons in 2-Dimensional Plasmonic Crystals
Hiroaki YoshitomiKobe University
Presentation: Poster 42Band-Edge Structure Induced by Ferromagnetic Spin Ordering in GdN Thin Films


Date: October 25 (Mon) - 29 (Fri), 2010

Venue: Kobe University Centennial Hall (Rokko Hall),

      Kobe, JAPAN

Progress in nanofabrication technology has led to the development of semiconductor nanostructures with characteristic physical properties and potential applications in micro- and optoelectronic devices. To evaluate such nanostructures, different spectroscopic techniques have been developed which can provide a nanometer-scale lateral resolution.

The International Workshop on Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology is a biennial meeting series to share the information on latest research advances of science and technology in the nanometer regime. The scope includes (but is not limited to) electronic, optical, magnetic, mechanical and transport properties of nanoscale systems, and nanoscale devices as well as nanomanipulation. Previous workshops were held in Trieste, Italy (NSS-1, 2000), Tokyo, Japan (NSS-2, 2002), Washington D.C., USA (NSS-3, 2004), Rathen, Germany (NSS-4, 2006), and Ohio, USA (NSS-5, 2008).

The 6th International Workshop on Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology (NSS-6) provides a forum for the exchange of recent scientific and technical knowledge in this rapidly growing field. Scientists from industry, academia, and government labs are invited to participate. Technical sessions will cover the spectrum from fundamental to applied spectromicroscopic research. Discussion is an important feature of this workshop. Ample time will be available for discussion, both during and between the sessions.


1st Circular

Conference Organizers

Conference Chair: Yoshio Watanabe (JASRI/SPring-8)
      Co-Chair: Naoki Yamamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
      Co-Chair: Takashi Sekiguchi (NIMS)
Steering Chair: Toyohiko Kinoshita (JASRI/SPring-8)
Program Chair: Naoki Yamamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Program Vice Chair: Takashi Sekiguchi (NIMS)
Publication Chair: Tsuneo Yasue (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.)
Finance Chair: Retsu Oiwa (Omicron Nanotechnology)
Conference Secretariat: Shinji Kakiguchi (JASRI/SPring-8)

Organized by

Sponsored by

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Assent by

Catalysis Society of Japan

The Surface Science Society of Japan

Society of Nano Science and Technology

The Magnetic Society of Japan

The Crystallographic Society of Japan

The Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research

The Chemical Society of Japan

The Japan Society of Applied Physics

The Japanese Society of Microscopy

Japan Society for Molecular Science

Supported by

NSS6 Conference Secretariat

Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), SPring-8
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo, 679-5198, JAPAN
Fax: +81-791-58-0988



What's New


Important Notice

Invited Lectures



Excursion & Banquet

Abstract Submission

Presentation Info.


Vendor Exhibition

Location (Town Info.)

Travel Info.

